About the Comic
Shounen Ai, GO!! is a heartwarming story of a young boy
in love. And also
many other boys in love!! Only a few girls in love. Also
a crazy squirrel not in
love!! This comic is intended to be a heartfelt love
story, and also a parody
of many shoujo manga.
How did we come up with the ideas??
Well, one day Blase Biscotti was in Friendly's feeling
pretty crazy! Next thing
you know, we have ideas for a comic scribbled all over
our napkins!! That is
basically how this comic came to be, but with a lot more
hard work and fun!!
A lot of our love, time and effort has gone into this
project, so we hope you
like it!! But even if you don't we'll keep writing
because its fun!! :) But I think
that you will like it anyway!!
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