Sorry! I know this update was supposed to come last
week... ^_^;; But at any rate check out the new
Also appology in advance, there most likely won't be a
new page next week, as we will ALL be at SHOUJOCON!! But keep an eye out for
us there, if we get our stuff together in time we'll have
lots of cool stuff at our table in the artist's alley, so
be sure to check it out if you're there!! X3
Also the next day I'll be moving, and may or may not have
a computer in time for the next update (^_^;;) But I'll
try my best!!! >XO
Also Tavia has sent more pages of her fancomic, I'll get
them up as soon as I can, but my computer is very slow
and its going to take me quite some time to download them
all.. ToT I'll get them up ASAP though!
Previous Updates:
Check out 3 new omake
comic pages!
Sorry there's no update to the main comic, I know its
been a while ToT
In the mean time, Mandichan and Kaze X will be at Otakon next weekend! We
won't have an art table, but I(Mandichan) will be dressed
as Nurse Witch Komugi-chan (Pink hair, huge bunny ears,
and a big wand!) so if you see me you can say hi :D
And then later this month, all of Blase Biscotti will
have an art table at Shoujocon!! So look for us,
we'll be ready to give out goodies and freebies to any
fans, as well as sell some fun stuff too! We gotta
hurry up and prepare..!! *rushes off*
sorry the update is late in the day - FTP was not working
this morning!)
Today there is a special treat for Harry Potter fans
in the omake comic section! XD Sorry
there's no update to the main comic today!! Thank you for
being patient!! ToT
Can it be?? Yes it can!! A new page!! Sorry to keep
anyone waiting, hope you all enjoy it :D
just about to go off and pick up the next page from
Marty's house, but it still needs to be inked and toned!
So to hold you off till then, here's a new omake
Sorry for having an omake page update 2 weeks in a row!
The new page should be up either tonight or tommorow for
sure!!! ToT